Classes and Resources

Current Classes

Renewed Thinking

Hope Church is privileged to provide this class in partnership with Dr. Gary Sweeten and Relational Peace University. This is a hybrid class, meaning that the lecture portion of the class will be viewed by class attendees online during the week and the in-person portion of the class will be spent reviewing the lecture material and practicing Renewed Thinking with one another.

In this class, you will learn:

  • How to discern aspects of your emotions and emotions of others
  • How to change behaviors and habits that are causing you anxiety or conflict in your life
  • How to sharpen your skills in listening to the Holy Spirit for deeper heart issues, and to walk with God in His transformative love.

Communicate for a Change

In his book Multiply, Pastor Stephen Kirk writes, “The graced are indeed the best and only conduits of grace.” In Communicate for a Change, you will learn the basics of being a graceful listener with:

  • Your family: spouse, children (young and adult), and parents
  • Your friends, teammates, boss, coworkers, clients
  • Our Hope Church family
  • People of a different race or culture
  • People you disagree with in values, theology, politics, and world view
  • People within your reach but outside the faith


RightNow Media

We are pleased to offer you a FREE account to an exciting new online video library called RightNow Media. Through it you will have instant access to thousands of great videos for kids, youth, adults, married couples, parents and more. You can view these videos from your phone, tablet or computer. And you can also view them in a group setting through a TV or projector.

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