God has called each one of us to live The LIFE.

What is The LIFE?

Love God. Love People. Multiply.

Receive Gospel Grace

Our first shape reminds us that God alone has made it possible for us to be Jesus’ disciples. Being a disciple is all grace – and it’s always grace. We continue to RECEIVE God’s grace as we follow Jesus together. Forgiveness from sin, wisdom, and power for a transformed life – these are gifts of grace that God delights to give us throughout our lives.

Grow Stronger in our relationship with God

Our second shape reminds us that our most important relationship is with the One who made us. The three sides of the Triangle remind us that although we relate to One God, this God has revealed Himself in history and through His Word as three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Consequently, our relationship with God will grow as we learn to LOVE God as Father, HONOR Jesus as King, and FOLLOW the Holy Spirit into life.

Grow Closer in our relationships with one another

Our third shape reminds us that God has graciously given us companions for the journey. The Circle is divided into two parts to remind us that there are two primary ways we relate to one another in a local church. First, we are to LINK together with a few, wherein deep knowing, vulnerability, and sacrifice find expression. Second, there is our macro, corporate connection where we gladly INVEST our individual resources – time, talent, and treasure – for the blessing of the entire church family, our local community, and beyond.

Reach Further to those around us

Our fourth shape reminds us that we have a mission! Our mission is to PURSUE those around us, through our words and our lives, and offer a tangible experience of Jesus, while taking a genuine, compassionate interest in helping them flourish and RESTORE the broken.

Multiplying Disciples who multiply

Our final shape reminds us that God has called us to seek intentional relationships that form for a season which are specifically aimed at spiritual growth and to MULTIPLY.

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