
Ministry to Women

Ministry to Women exists as an available resource for you to grow stronger in your relationship with God and grow closer in relationships with each other. We have a passion for women of all ages and seasons and we love seeing relationships being built across generations with Christ at the center.

Women's On-Ramps

On-ramps are one-time, easy opportunities to meet other people at Hope and begin forming connections. Some examples include: Flower arranging, Serving Opportunities, and much more.

The purpose of Plate of Grace is to help women grow in The LIFE that Jesus came to give us: growing in our love for God, our love for others, and helping one another multiply. We do this by providing a place for women from all walks of life to meet each other, enjoy food and fellowship, and learn together as we extend to each other the love and grace we receive from Jesus.

Contact – Carolyn Kirk

TouchPoint is a place women can connect, share, and have conversations as we live out The LIFE. We meet in host homes throughout the year to grow together.

Contact – Carolyn Kirk

Moto means origin, root or book in Japanese. It is this meaning that reflects a Christian Worldview. Ikebana is the ancient art of Japanese Flower arranging. Moto celebrated its 20th anniversary in November of 2021 and is a 501-C3 non profit which Brenda Baird is the president. Check us out on Facebook to see a video of our class and cultural feature.

Contact – Brenda Baird

Helping Hands is a service project opportunity for women to:

  • Meet other women and make friends
  • Serve the mission field without leaving the country
  • Attend whenever they are available – no commitment

Meets the Third Tuesday of each month from 9:25am-12:00pm at Caring Partners International, a Hope Church ministry partner. Carpooling is available from Hope Church.

Contact – Jennifer Lalli

Women's Grow Groups

Grow Groups are short-term, long-term, and ongoing opportunities to grow in The LIFE in relational settings. Some examples include: Bible studies, triads, and community groups.

We hold several Bible Studies each year, typically in ten-week sessions. We have a Monday evening group as well as a Thursday morning group. Each session, we study God’s Word with the help of a companion study. See our Upcoming Events below for our next Bible Study.

Contact – Laura Moore

Women, join us as we pray for the needs of Hope Church!

Tuesday mornings 8:45-9:30am
Room 107

Contact – Cleo Jones

This is a group especially designed for single women over age 60.

Contact – Ruth Ewing

Community Groups seek to provide a warm and casual environment where you can meet people and form friendships. These groups of 10-40 people meet regularly to share food, build friendship, and grow in Christ together. Most meet on Sunday mornings, but a couple meet at other times.

Adult Communities

Triads are groups of three women who go together on a one-year journey into a life of greater faithfulness to Jesus, learning what it means to love God, how to love each other, and growing in our love for the world.


Contact – Bill Craig

Meet the Team

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